Emiritus Prof. Dato' Paduka Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi b. Hj. Abdul Majid is currently a Professor at Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Science at the International Islamic University. He holds a number of Syariah-related degrees from Malaysia and abroad, namely, the Bachelor of Syariah from Nilam Puri, the Master of Syariah from the Al-Azhar University, the Master of Philosophy from the University of Kent and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Malaya. He also qualifies with a Diploma in Education from Ain Shams in Egypt.
He was the Director of the Academy of Islamic Studies in University of Malaya from 1995 to 2003. From 1985 to 1990 he was the Dean at the Faculty of Syariah at University of Malaya. His areas of expertise are threefold, namely, History of Islamic Law, the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence and the Administration of Islamic Criminal Law.
Emiritus Prof. Dato' Paduka Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi is an accomplished writer, having published numerous Sharia works over the years including “Ke arah Merealisasikan Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia” (1988), “Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam: Konsep dan Perlaksanaannya di Malaysia” (1992), “Undang-undang Jenayah Islam: Konsep Dan Asas Perlaksanaannya” (1992), “Pengantar Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia” (1997), “Dinamisme Pengajian Syariah” (1997), “Sejarah Pembinaan Hukum Islam” (1998), “Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam di Malaysia” (1999), “Wakaf dan Perlaksanaannya di Malaysia” (2000), “Pentadbiran Zakat” (2003), “Pengurusan Zakat” (2003) and “Ulama Penggugat Zaman” (2004). Among the numerous articles written by Emiritus Prof. Dato' Paduka Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi include “Fiqh Malaysia: Konsep dan Cabaran” (2000), “Peranan Zakat Dalam Pembangunan Ummah” (2002) and “Teori Politik Islam: Memahami siasah Syariah” (2003).
He is also a recipient of the Dato’ Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (DJMK) conferred by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Kelantan.
Currently, he is the Chairman of Majlis Dakwah Negara (MDN) and Sharia Committee and Independent Non-Executive Director of Public Islamic Bank Berhad.